How it works

Automatically sync Steam cloud saves that don't sync automatically

How it works

steam-crossplatform-sync performs the following tasks:

  1. Monitor when a game launches or closes
  2. Sync game saves (e.g. when a game closes)
  3. Generate the game save file format based on your games

Game monitoring

In order to detect game launches/closes, the app periodically checks what Steam reports is currently running via the Steam registry (RunningAppID). On Windows, this is through querying the registry. On OS X/Linux, this is read through the registry file (registry.vdf) located in Steam’s installation directory.

Syncing games

When a game is closed and is configured to be synchronized, the application checks the “local” game’s save files (the current computer’s state) and what’s configured in the “cloud” sync storage path. We look for the newest file and its modification time, and whichever is newest gets copied over. For directories, we look across all files to find the newest.

Some games use the Steam user’s ID in the save file location (for when the computer is shared across multiple users). steam-crossplatform-sync assumes the most recently logged in user is the primary user.

Generating game save files

Figuring out where games are installed is the most complicated part of the application. It can be broken down into the following pieces:

  1. Figuring out what games are part of your library
  2. Figuring out what a game’s configuration file is
  3. Parsing the configuration file to figure out where the files are saved

Figuring out what games are part of your library

It’s surprisingly hard to figure out what games you have installed. The following strategies are used (in descending order of preference and accuracy):

  1. Query the public profile of the currently logged in Steam user’s ID for the list of games. This is the most accurate method, but relies on having a public profile.
  2. Look through the local library cache and see which games are cached. This includes all games that the user has, but also includes some games that the user doesn’t.
  3. Read Steam’s configuration. In my experience, this is wildly inaccurate and OS-specific. Figuring out which games are part of your library should be OS-agnostic (so that you can generate your game list - once - on any computer).

Figuring out what a game’s configuration file is

Steam can be queried to report the currently running game/app ID. In order to map that to a game, and to figure out what that game even is, we need to load the configuration associated with that game. Every game’s configuration is stored in a VDF file (Valve Data Format), here’s a snippet of Hollow Knight’s configuration file:

		"name"		"Hollow Knight"
		"type"		"Game"
		"oslist"		"windows,macos,linux"

There are three ways of loading this information, in descending order of preference (all strategies are tried until a config is found):

  1. In Steam’s installation directory, there exists a file, appcache/appinfo.vdf that stores a cache of apps in a binary format, which includes the VDF config for every game. AppCacheBufferedReader is responsible for loading the cache, and it’s assumed that all games in your library are included in this cache.
  2. Valve provides a program, steamcmd, that can theoretically print a game/app’s VDF config. Unfortunately, it’s buggy. When you try to call it programmatically, you need to call app_info_print twice in a row in order for it to actually print the app info. Additionally, on Windows, due to a strange buffering implementation in steamcmd, it’s difficult to programatically read the output the second time app_info_print is called. It’s specifically for Windows that the next option was created.
  3. The remote game registry loader is designed for Windows and cases where the app info cache can’t be read. It relies on remoteAppInfoUrl being set in the configuration. When this is set, it sends a HTTP request to a server that’s running steam-cross-platform sync in server mode. The server (Linux or OS X) should be able to successfully run steamcmd and return the output. For these servers, app_info_print is called twice in a row. Note: if this option isn’t set through the configuration, it won’t be attempted.

Parsing the configuration file to figure out where the files are saved

Once we have the game’s VDF configuration, we can see where the game says its files are stored. There are a bunch of different ways that developers can express where files are saved. steam-crossplatform-sync tries to parse the configuration and figure out where those are supposed to be.

This is the relevant snippet for Hollow Knight:

        "quota"		"2000000"
        "maxnumfiles"		"10"
                        "root"		"WinAppDataLocalLow"
                        "path"		"Team Cherry/Hollow Knight"
                        "pattern"		"*.dat"
                                "1"		"Windows"
                        "root"		"MacHome"
                        "path"		"/Library/Application Support/unity.Team Cherry.Hollow Knight"
                        "pattern"		"*.dat"
                                "1"		"MacOS"
                        "root"		"LinuxHome"
                        "path"		".config/unity3d/Team Cherry/Hollow Knight"
                        "pattern"		"*.dat"
                                "1"		"Linux"

This maps to the following games.yml entry:

- name: "Hollow Knight"
  gameId: 367520
  - "%USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/Team Cherry/Hollow Knight/*.dat"
  - "~/Library/Application Support/unity.Team Cherry.Hollow Knight/*.dat"
  - "~/.config/unity3d/Team Cherry/Hollow Knight/*.dat"
  sync: true

Here’s a more complicated example for Slay the Spire:

        "quota"		"100000000000"
        "maxnumfiles"		"10000"
                        "root"		"gameinstall"
                        "path"		"preferences"
                        "pattern"		"*"
                        "root"		"gameinstall"
                        "path"		"betaPreferences"
                        "pattern"		"*"
                        "root"		"gameinstall"
                        "path"		"saves"
                        "pattern"		"*"
                        "root"		"gameinstall"
                        "os"		"MacOS"
                        "oscompare"		"="
                        "useinstead"		"gameinstall"
                        "addpath"		""

This maps to the following games.yml entry:

- name: "Slay the Spire"
  gameId: 646570
  - "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%/Steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/preferences/*"
  - "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%/Steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/betaPreferences/*"
  - "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%/Steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/saves/*"
  - "~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/*"
  - "~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/*"
  - "~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/*"
  - "~/.steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/preferences/*"
  - "~/.steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/betaPreferences/*"
  - "~/.steam/steamapps/common/SlayTheSpire/saves/*"
  sync: true